

Contemporary Cycladic Quartet

Manolis Pappos, Vassilis Rakopoulos, Harris Lambrakis, Thanos Hatzianagnostou

A contemporary look at the roots of rebetiko and its affinity with other characteristic music genres, such as blues or fado. An approach with open improvisations and developments integrated in the contemporary Jazz movements


Arcilochos Theater
Ai Yannis Detis

Four composers, skilled musicians from different musical backgrounds and a particular love for world music traditions, take us on a journey, with their improvisations and compositions round the Ports of the World. From the Cafe Aman of Smyrna, through Aegean melodies and New Orleans blues, they explore the relationships and limits of the aesthetic coexistence of these different idioms. Sounds of the East, isons and makams with their microtonal elements, converse with the blues and the equally tempered notes of the West.
Old cafes in Smyrna and the Bosporus, hashish dens of Syros and Piraeus, ports all around the world, haunts of the marginalized and their shadowy dealings. This is where the music of the underworld flourished. Rebetiko, Blues, Fado, Flamenco and others, all speak of poverty, pain and injustice as expressed in the lyrics and their characteristic flattened notes.
And Music like a miraculous Goddess, comforts with a magical and mysterious power, raising the spirits of both the artist and the audience.

Manolis Pappos bouzouki
Vassilis Rakopoulos guitar
Harris Lambrakis ney
Thanos Hatzianagnostou drums

NAOUSSA: TANTANIS, Τ. +30 22840 51261
PARIKIA: Bookstore POLYCHROMO, Τ. 22840 22906 | Bookstore ANAGENNISI, Τ. 22840 22247


12,00 €