Show Description
Cyclops Polyphemus - who appears in the performance in the form of a giant puppet - tells his beloved Galatea about his encounter with the resourceful Odysseus, and as we hear his story, the one-eyed hero relives it all over again! In this way, we are mentally transported into the world of myth! The troupe consists of actors and musicians who create an interesting stage condition of interaction between them, which includes dance, live music and singing! They revolve around Odysseus, from his companions in his long adventure to Cyclops' rams, composing an original depiction of the story of Cyclops Polyphemus and the resourceful Odysseus we all know. Throughout the performance, musical instruments such as percussion, lute and accordion participate live, creating a special atmosphere and at the same time adding intense rhythm and movement.
"The story of a one-eyed man" deals with violence, hubris, hospitality, isolation (a sign of the times due to the pandemic) and the love we are eternally concerned with.
«Η ιστορία ενός μονόφθαλμου» πραγματεύεται τη βία, την ύβρι, τη φιλοξενία, την απομόνωση (σημείο των καιρών λόγω της πανδημίας) και την αγάπη που μας απασχολεί αέναα. Η ελληνική μυθολογία, πρώτη ανέδειξε τα βαθιά ερωτήματα που αφορούν την ύπαρξή μας. Ο Πολύφημος, έχει περάσει στη μνήμη μας σαν ένα τέρας με αντικοινωνική συμπεριφορά αλλά δεν παύει να διαθέτει και χαρακτηριστικά του σύγχρονου ανθρώπου. Η δική του εκδοχή της ιστορίας, γοητεύει και γεννά προβληματισμούς γύρω από τις διαχρονικές έννοιες του θύτη, του θύματος και της Θείας Δίκης.
Theatrical transfer: The Young Quill TeamPerforming: Christina Kostea (Cyclops), Tasos Lekkas (Odysseus), Kostas Koutroulis (Companion A), Tryphon Zacharis (Companion B), Angelos Kotelou (lute soloist & Companion C), Alexandra Mikroutsikou (accordion & Companion D)
Φωτογραφίες: Elina Younanli artwork:Σεβαστιάνα Κωνστάκη/ studioasevia Διάρκεια παράστασης: 70 minutes