15 – 16.07.2021



Arcilochos Theater, Ai Yannis Detis

Modern "Medea" is in direct connection with the ancient.  

The word of Dimitris Zougos is successor to the word of Euripides, written in trochaic meter faithfully follow steps of the great tragedian while bridging the gap between the ancient world and the habits of the present.

The two texts are mixed together like a skein unravel the "Medea" to knit her murderous web. Their reason is common, the suffering and the conditions are not.

Τhe heroine of Dimitris Zougos suffers terribly. Her dignity has suffered irreparable damage. The brutal family that surrounds her it has turned her into slave.

The battle in her mind has been lost and the fate seems done. The only thing that keeps the life is the maternal instinct. Until the developments bring to the surface something more primitive and divine. The hatred.

Medea today will not kill her kids. Her devious mind has prejudged a worst ending.
Η δαιμόνια μηχανή της έχει προδικάσει χειρότερο τέλος.

Text: Dimitris Zougkos
Directed: Panos Kekas

ΜΗΔΕΙΑ: Ελένη Δερμεντζόγλου
ΧΟΡΟΣ: Στέλλα Αφεντάκη
ΓΛΑΥΚΗ: Ελπίδα Τσαλίκη

Κοστούμια/mace up artist: Μαρία Κυδωνιεύς
Σκηνικά: Πάνος Κέκας – Γιώργος Φασιανός
Βοηθός σκηνοθέτη: Ειρήνη Αλαχούζου
Κομμώσεις: Δημήτρης Μακράς
Φωτογραφίες: Θεολόγος Πέντες

Production: LEFKES YRIA 2021

NAOUSSA: TANTANIS, Τ. +30 22840 51261
PARIKIA: Bookstore POLYCHROMO, Τ. 22840 22906 | Bookstore ANAGENNISI, Τ. 22840 22247


8,00 €